Birds Of Sundarbans

birds of sundarban

Birds Of Sundarbans

Some of the world’s most sought after birds of sundarbans are also concealed by the mangrove. It is easy to think of Sundarbans as an abuder paradise. The species checklist has reached an astounding 200+. It’s not hard to go bird watching not only due to the topography, but also because the density is not visible from the small perspective provided by the loud boat. Ten distinct species in a paradise for kingfishers birds. The greatest season to search for birds in the Sundarbans is winter.

  1. Common kingfisher
  2. Brown winged kingfisher
  3. Black capped kingfisher
  4. White throated kingfisher
  5. Pied kingfisher
  6. Blue earned kingfisher
  7. Oriental dwarf kingfisher
  8. Collared kingfisher
  9. Ruddy kingfisher
  10. Stored Billed kingfisher

Sundarbans provide one of the best bird habitats with rich experiences. Birdwatching in the bay of bengal river in sundarban a must-visit- for bird lovers plan tour to sundarban.